07493 880 414
Having heard such positive stories from parents about the impact Reading Doctor sessions have on their children’s confidence and self-esteem, I decided to investigate! What I observed inspired me to join the team, and I now offer Reading Doctor lessons at home to children living in Whitstable, Faversham, and surrounding villages.
After receiving a degree in Music, I worked as the Education Manager for an arts organisation, devising projects and organising workshops in schools across the country. I also taught individual music lessons to children from home and in school, studied for a Post Graduate Certificate in Music and Movement with the Early Years, and went on to train as a classroom teacher through the Graduate Teacher Programme.
For the last five years, I have worked as the class music teacher in two local infant schools, and I feel extremely privileged to be able to work alongside, and be inspired by, my pupils on a daily basis.
I have recently started studying towards a Masters in Early Years Education, and this experience has once again reminded me how easy it is for children to feel overwhelmed and frustrated by trying to learn tricky concepts in a way that may be ok for many, but not for all.
This is where Reading Doctor lessons can help, by providing one-to-one lessons that aim to enthuse, bolster self-esteem and boost confidence whilst providing strategies to help overcome struggles.